In twilight’s gentle, fading light,
Where day surrenders to the night,
There lies a realm of bittersweet,
Where joy and sorrow softly meet.
A whisper on the autumn breeze,
Of golden leaves and rustling trees,
A memory of summers past,
A fleeting glance that didn’t last.
The echo of a lover’s song,
A melody that lingers on
A heart that aches with tender pain,
For moments gone, love in vain.
A smile through tears, a laugh in grief,
A fleeting touch, a stolen leaf,
From time’s relentless, flowing stream,
A fragile, precious, fleeting dream.
The dance of shadows on the wall,
The quiet hush before night’s call,
A final kiss, a last goodbye,
A promise is written in the sky.
For in these moments, bittersweet,
Life’s fullness and its end do meet,
A symphony of light and dark,
That leaves on us a lasting mark.
So cherish all that comes to pass,
The tears and smiles, like blades of grass,
For in their mingled, tender touch,
We find what matters, what means much.


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A Melody that Lingers On

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